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Kaj menite o letošnjem poletju (poletje 2014)?
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Skupaj glasov: 1
Hitri nasvet
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Statistika strani
Uporabnikov: 2192
Akt. anket: 86469
Neakt. anket: 70875
Komentarjev: 183
  Rezultati iskanja: kolosej (1586 zadetkov)
Anketa # Glasov Ocena
Ocenite film Solaris (Solaris) ... 6 73 0
Ocenite film Socializacija bika? (Socializacija bika?) ... 6 85 0
Ocenite film Sommersturm (Poletna nevihta) ... 6 47 0
Ocenite film Son of the Mask (Maska: Mladi naslednik) ... 6 73 5
Ocenite film Sound of the Sea (Šum morja) ... 6 59 0
Ocenite film Sos Planet 3D + World of Sharks 3D (SOS planet in Morski psi 3D) ... 6 20 0
Ocenite film Sorority Boys (Sestre) ... 6 72 0
Ocenite film Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage (Zadnji dnevi Sophie Scholl) ... 6 39 0
Ocenite film Talented Mr. Ripley (Nadarjeni gospod Ripley) ... 6 32 0
Ocenite film Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (Kralji hitrosti: Zgodba o Rickyju Bobbyju) ... 6 17 0
Ocenite film The Ex (Bivši) ... 6 33 0
Ocenite film The Exorcism of Emily Rose (Hudič v Emily Rose) ... 6 43 0
Ocenite film The End of Violence (Konec nasilja) ... 6 21 0
Ocenite film The End of The Affair (Konec afere) ... 6 108 0
Ocenite film The Dukes of Hazzard (Carja Hazzarda) ... 6 28 0
Ocenite film The Faculty (Zbornica) ... 6 21 0
Ocenite film The Family Stone (Nova v družini) ... 6 20 0
Ocenite film The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas (Kremenčkovi 2) ... 6 37 0
Ocenite film The Fifth Element (Peti element) ... 6 22 0
Ocenite film The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (Hitri in drzni: Tokio Drift) ... 6 30 0
Ocenite film The Fast and the Furious (Hitri in drzni) ... 6 41 0
Ocenite film The Dreamers (Sanjači) ... 6 54 0
Ocenite film The Devil Wears Prada (Hudičevka v Pradi) ... 6 14 0
Ocenite film The Count of Monte Cristo (Grof Monte Cristo) ... 6 27 0
Ocenite film The Core (Jedro) ... 6 25 0
Ocenite film The Cooler (Lov na srečo) ... 6 38 0
Ocenite film The Constant Gardener (Zvesti vrtnar) ... 6 17 0
Ocenite film The Covenant (Pogodba s hudičem) ... 6 23 0
Ocenite film The Cube (Kocka) ... 6 87 0
Ocenite film The Departed (Dvojna igra) ... 6 48 0
Ocenite film The Day After Tomorrow (Dan po jutrišnjem) ... 6 31 0
Ocenite film The Darjeeling Limited (Darjeeling Limited) ... 6 13 0
Ocenite film The Da Vinci Code (Da Vincijeva šifra) ... 6 26 0
Ocenite film The Fog (Megla) ... 6 21 0
Ocenite film The Forgotten (Pozabljeni) ... 6 23 0
Ocenite film The Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy (Štoparski vodnik po Galaksiji) ... 6 13 0
Ocenite film The Hole (Luknja) ... 6 21 0
Ocenite film The Hitcher (Avtoštopar) ... 6 56 0
Ocenite film The Hills Have Eyes (Opazujemo te) ... 6 29 0
Ocenite film The Heartbreak Kid (Sedem dni skomin) ... 6 34 0
Ocenite film The Holiday (Počitnice) ... 6 103 0
Ocenite film The Horse Whispherer (Šepetati konjem) ... 6 106 0
Ocenite film The Hunting Party (Pomlad v Bosni) ... 6 32 0
Ocenite film The Human Stain (Človeški madež) ... 6 29 0
Strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

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